Monday, July 15, 2024

Here I Stand

I think the thing that hurts the most, the thing that has been causing me so much emotional agony, is that so many of my cherished friends believe someone who lies to them constantly, who doesn’t give a damn about them, and who would sell them and their loved ones out in a heartbeat if he could benefit in some way from it. Meanwhile, a person who loves them, cares about them, and who would rather die than lie to them is ignored.

It hurts. I can’t lie. It’s been tearing me up inside.

Please, PLEASE, hear me out. Don’t turn away from what I have to say.

Trump and his associates are who I say they are.

Not because I assert it.

Not because I insist on it.

Not because I demand people believe it.


I’ve got the receipts.

I’ve spent many hours going over Trump’s worthless, wildly destructive life. The more I learn, and the deeper I look, the more horrified I am.

Trump is an utterly vile human being, one of the worst people our country has ever produced. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He is a malignant narcissist who lies about literally everything. His entire adult life has been an unbroken chain of criminal acts, shockingly depraved personal behavior, incompetent business decisions, betrayal of those who trusted him, grifting, and outright theft. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO BACK THESE STATEMENTS UP WITH WHATEVER EVIDENCE YOU REQUIRE. I would never make such charges if I were not able to support them. That would be a form of lying to you. I will never do that.

You see, I’m not him.

He has associated with organized crime HIS ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. His corrupt father was involved with the Genovese crime family, which ran Queens. Later, Trump was associated with the Gambino crime family in Manhattan. After the Italian mobs were swept out, Trump hooked up with Bratva, the Russian Mafia, which uses New York City as its home base in America. I can name names. I can specify times. I can cite specific episodes.

Trump has earned nothing in his life. Nothing. Everything in his life has been handed to him. Everything. He has never done an honest day’s work, and he has never respected those who do. His father gave him over $400 million (in today’s value) and Trump managed to lose ALL OF IT. Alone among American casino owners, he LOST money. He has screwed every investor in his schemes. He has manipulated the tax system ruthlessly, using every trick he could to cheat and avoid paying. He has stiffed countless contractors, driving several into bankruptcy because Trump refused to pay them for goods and services they had ALREADY provided. I know for a fact he drove at least one contractor to suicide. And again, I can show you all this in detail.

Trump has repeatedly smeared and insulted veterans. Yes, he DID call them "suckers and losers, and General Kelly has reaffirmed that. He refused to visit the site of the Marines' heroic stand in Belleau Wood because it was raining and he didn't want to get his hair wet. He viciously attacked and ridiculed John McCain, who endured five and half years of brutal treatment, including horrible torture, at the hands of his captors. Trump has said, btw, that his ability to avoid STDs in the 70s was his "personal Vietnam". He got a medical deferment from a doctor his Daddy bribed and so was never drafted. I have a whole pile of research on each of these matters. By the way, if you are or were in the Navy, Trump betrayed your brothers in the submarine service by revealing CLASSIFIED INFORMATION about the deployment and capabilities of U.S. submarines to one his business associates. He gave the Russians classified information about Israel in 2017. Curiously, the CIA noted a sharp upturn in the deaths of its agents after Trump stole intel documents. Must have been a coincidence.

Oh, and a quote from PolitiFact:

A February 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration called for the release of 5,000 Taliban members who were in Afghan prisons. Afghanistan’s government has said that the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. A Congressional Research Service report said the release was completed in September 2020.

There were probably ISIS members released as well. Trump invited the
Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2019. Loud protests quashed this idea. (Btw, if you'd like to see how Trump reacted to 9/11, I have that on record too. It will sicken you.)

Trump is a horrifying sexual predator. New evidence of his long-time association with Jeffrey Epstein has just surfaced in recent days, including court records and flight logs. Trump and Epstein RAPED A 12 YEAR OLD GIRL AND A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. There are other instances as well. Trump has been proven in court to have committed sexual assault. (By the way, he spent years resisting a request for his DNA in the E. Jean Carroll case. Guys, I don’t know about you, but if someone had falsely accused me of rape, I’d be VOLUNTEERING my DNA and demanding an immediate trial. I damn well wouldn’t be fighting it tooth and nail.) More than 20 women have accused Trump of predatory behavior. Trump has been personal friends with no fewer than five pedophiles. (Again, I can name names.) He had warm words for Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s pimp, when she was convicted. The U.S. Attorney who allowed Epstein to plead his way out of a sex trafficking charge was appointed Labor Secretary by Trump as a reward. Trump ran a modeling agency that took in underage girls from Eastern Europe. He once asked a reporter if it was wrong that he was more sexually attracted to his 13 year-old daughter than to his wife. He has called his daughter “a piece of ass”. He has told a 10 year-old girl that someday he would be dating her.

And it goes on.

And on.

And on.

Trump’s family is barred from running a charity in New York because they embezzled from the one they were running. The Trump Foundation was simply a slush fund for Trump’s family, and it was closed. Trump was fined $25 million for running a phony university. He is barred from doing business in Australia because of his Mob connections. His son Eric stole from a children’s cancer charity, and Eric's wife stole from an animal care charity. Trump committed bank fraud and filed false business records. Contrary to the lies some tell you, New York prosecutes A LOT OF PEOPLE for those crimes. A lot. I have the PDFs you can examine if you doubt me. His daughter Ivanka and his criminal son-in-law Jared Kushner made $640,000,000 while purportedly working in the White House. Speaking of Kushner, our intel agencies turned him down for a security clearance. Trump overrode them. Kushner is in the pocket of Saudi Arabia and has helped the Saudis in numerous ways, funneling classified info to them and helping them handle things after the Saudis butchered a journalist. Trump and/or his relatives have done extensive business with Russia, China, Turkey, and even Iran (!) as well as Saudi Arabia. Trump spent one-quarter of his entire term at his golf resorts, draining tens of millions of tax dollars into his own pocket. His every instinct is that of a grifter and a con man. Again, I have the receipts.

Trump’s response to the COVID epidemic was catastrophic. The top British medical journal, The Lancet, estimates that FORTY PER CENT of the U.S.’s COVID deaths could have been prevented. Trump’s venality and incompetence are responsible for much of that death toll. (I have a detailed record of the first months of the COVID epidemic if you’d like to see it.) Shockingly, in 2019 Trump CRIPPLED a CDC facility IN CHINA that specialized in warning about infectious diseases.

Trump has sided with Vladimir Putin repeatedly, as has his new running mate. He is blatantly pro-Russian. He will make the United States a foreign policy partner with the world’s most vicious war criminal, helping to destroy free Ukraine in the process. Trump has praised the monster Kim Jong-Un (“We just fell in love.”). He has repeatedly praised Chinese dictator Xi Jin-Peng. Trump has said Taiwan is not worth defending.

EVERY ONE OF AMERICA’S ENEMIES SUPPORTS HIM. Ever wonder why? I can tell you in excruciating detail.

He fomented the first attack on the U.S. Capitol since 1814. The attack was NOT carried out by leftists or Antifa or whatever. It was carried out by Trump supporters, many of them armed. Those arrested and convicted in this affair are not “hostages”. They are violent criminals who sought to overturn a free election. And, most outrageously, TRUMP STOLE HIGHLY CLASSIFIED U.S. DOCUMENTS. This is quite literally the worst crime an American president has ever committed against his own country. The corrupt, Trump-appointed judge who dismissed the case is married to a man who worked for ex-New York mobster John Rosatti, who in turn is one of Trump’s BFFs. Utter corruption at every step. But hey, it’s OK. The Radical Right wing Supreme Court has said that anything Trump did is just hunky-dory. He is literally now above the law, calling for ALL cases against him to be dismissed. And I bet they will be.

Trump is backed by the most extreme and terrifying elements of the so-called “Religious Right”. He is supported by SELF-ADMITTED “Christian Nationalists” who intend to impose a draconian right-wing theocracy on the United States. Project 2025 is directed toward this. Trump intends to strip women of all rights they have over their own bodies. His religious fanatic followers want to ban not only all abortions for ANY reason (hey, too bad about that sepsis or ectopic pregnancy. And all kinds of 10 year-old rape victims give birth!) but they intend to outlaw all forms of contraception. Have you suffered the tragedy of miscarriage? You will be under suspicion. They are calling for travel restrictions on pregnant women, a NATIONAL PREGNANCY REGISTRY, the monitoring of girls' menstrual cycles, and some even demand the death penalty for women who get an abortion. They intend to use the power of the government to crush dissent against them. Read it for yourself if you doubt me.

Rounding up “illegals” by the millions and putting them in “facilities” (concentration camps). Attacking journalists. Persecuting every person and group on Trump’s enemies list (more than 300.) Doing away with “leftist scum” and “vermin”—like me. Imposing a ruinous tariff on all foreign goods.

Saying Hillary Clinton should be dealt with by “Second Amendment solutions”. (2016)

Ordering his Justice Department to prosecute Joe Biden in 2020.

Repeatedly using the most disgusting, vulgar language to incite violence.

Saying that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country".

Pushing the lie that the 2020 election was “stolen”.

Giving himself and Jared Kushner millions in PPP loans.

Betraying our allies, The Kurds, letting them be massacred.

Praising Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban (as has his running mate).

Dear god, there is SO MUCH MORE. But you get the idea.

I cannot—and will not—live under such people, not without a fight.

I am a man of my word. I will make available to you all summaries of my research.

I love you and care about you. But if you are for Trump, I will not move one inch in your direction.

Because I’m right.

He lies to you. I'm telling you the truth.

So here I stand.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Miller. Hope you're having some good off-time from FB. You are missed, but I wouldn't really recommend returning. :)
