A Species Lost in Both
Space and Time
It’s difficult to find the exact
boundary between the Australopithecines, the genus of upright animals thought
to be ancestral to the genus Homo,
and the first true humans. But if we assume something like Homo habilis is the first truly distinct member of our genus, we
must try to picture the life of these earliest humans on the African savanna
some 2 million to 2.5 million years ago. How dauntingly huge the world must
have seemed to them! Probably moving in nomadic groups, the earliest of our
kind gathered food from an environment over which protracted walking was
required. Who knows the true range of their wanderings? They trudged across the
surface of their apparently huge home at ordinary walking speed, perhaps 3-4 miles per hour. (Even running as
fast as they could, were they able to reach anything like sapiens running speeds, perhaps 27-28 miles per hour in short
bursts?) Their world must have appeared to be endless, if the exertion required
to traverse its surface was any indication. (Of course, if they possessed any
concept of the totality of the world,
they probably saw the area of their own migration as its full extent.) A more advanced type of human (either a
descendant of habilis, or an entirely
independent offshoot from a common ancestor, depending on the hypothesis
accepted) known as erectus, began the
human diaspora out of Africa, perhaps as early as 1.5 million years ago. (It is
now thought that erectus did not
survive as a going concern in Asia, and that a later African sapiens group became the progenitors of
modern humanity.) Their migration may simply have been a matter of moving base
camp a few hundred or a few thousand feet a year, depending on the
circumstances, or it may have been a migration punctuated by long journeys
stimulated by desperation or unusual conditions. (See The Diaspora of Consciousness.) But whatever the actual timetable
of a particular group’s journey, the expansion ultimately took on a truly epic
nature. Think of what physical barriers these travelers must have encountered.
We have no written record of their experiences, but their travels must have
been characterized by long periods of dull, seemingly endless plodding
punctuated by huge challenges and harrowing dangers. And these dangers were not
being met by humans of great size and tremendous strength. The height of the average
member of the genus Homo, as we will
examine in greater detail elsewhere, has averaged somewhere around five feet
(about 1.5 meters), with males generally taller than females. A small mountain
of 300-400 meters in height would be formidable to such a being; a mountain in
the Alps would be huge; and a mountain in the Himalayas would seem unspeakably
gigantic. Our ancestors roaming the eastern hemisphere encountered such giants,
and surely must have felt dwarfed by them.
In these encounters with the world,
undoubtedly many travelers lost their lives along the way. And among the
survivors, an idea was deeply impressed upon their consciousnesses: the world is enormous.
As Homo sapiens evolved, spread, and founded a wide variety of new
cultures, each group undoubtedly had its own conception of the world’s extent,
again, a conception generally limited to the area in which their tribal
hunter-gatherer group roamed. Once larger numbers of permanent settlements than
had existed in the pre-agricultural world had been founded, and literacy became
commonplace, humans (or at least that minority which was educated) began to
gain some understanding of the actual geography of the region where their group
lived. Until recent centuries, such knowledge was sketchy and speculative at
best. When humans began venturing out on epic sea journeys, from the
Phoenicians in the early 12th century BCE to the Chinese and Western Europeans
beginning in the fifteenth century CE, the sense of the Earth’s hugeness was
reinforced, as was the impression of the difficulty in crossing the Earth’s
surface. (It was not unusual, for example, for a pilgrimage from the German
states to Jerusalem to take the better part of a year, owing to a variety of
Regarding the size of the Universe,
the height of the heavens themselves, our ancestors had no real conception. In
early Mesopotamia, those who stood at the top of ziggurats were thought to be
appreciably closer to the stars. Archimedes, perhaps the most brilliant mind of
the Greco-Roman Classical era, calculated that the Universe was, in our terms,
about 12 trillion miles in diameter—what we would call 2 light years. And with
the notable exception of Aristarchus of Samos, most educated people believed
that the cosmos rotated around us. Aristotle built his cosmology on this
assumption. The great astronomer Ptolemy deeply influenced both the Hellenistic
Greek world and later the educated Arabic-speaking world through his epic work,
and both official Christianity and Islam assumed its absolute accuracy.
But there were observations that
troubled many adherents of geocentrism. The orbits of planets, particularly
Mars, seemed “eccentric”. A weird, elaborate system of “epicycles” was invented
to try to clear up the growing numbers of observations that could not be made
to fit into an Earth-centered Universe.
Beginning with the work of
Copernicus in the 16th century CE, the picture of a geocentric
cosmos began to be superseded by a new conception of the heavens. As
astronomers began to broaden the scope of their investigations in the centuries
that followed, facilitated by new and more powerful technologies, the size of
the physical Universe seemed to “grow”.
In the last century or so a
revolution has taken place in the human understanding of our planet’s physical
relationship to the Universe. Between 1917 and 1932 the most massive expansion
of our conception of the Universe’s size that has yet taken place occurred.
With the discovery during this period that the Universe was expanding, that it
contained enormous numbers of other galaxies, and was very, very old (from the
human perspective), all of our previous conceptions of the cosmic order were
systematically overthrown. And with the overthrow of our conceptions of the Universe
came another, unexpected result, one which many people have yet to confront:
the overthrow of the centrality of the human race in physical reality. This
development is momentous, perhaps as momentous as anything humans have ever
discovered about the world, and yet its full impact has yet to be felt.
Our small size in relation to the Earth turned out to
be deceptive; it didn’t give us a picture of our world’s true place. In the
larger context of the physical universe, the Earth is almost unimaginably
We can begin by considering the Earth in relation to
objects in our own solar system. The Earth, large as it is to us, is tiny
compared to Jupiter, which has a volume more than 1,300 times that of our
planet. (The perpetual storm in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the Great Red Spot, is in
itself three times the surface area of the Earth.) The size of our neighborhood
star, the Sun, is even more overwhelming. The Sun, some 864,000 miles in diameter could hold our entire planet
over 1,300,000 times. A single arc of gas erupting from the Sun’s surface would
utterly engulf our planet were it within range of us. The diameter of the
planetary orbits in the Solar System our Sun rules over (counting the dwarf
planet Pluto) is more than 7.5 billion miles as compared to around 7,900 miles
for our little world—a ratio of more than 949,000:1. But that’s just the
start of the measure of our cosmic insignificance.
The Sun is merely a star of average size. There are,
not terribly far from us in the Galaxy (relatively speaking), many stars of
such immensity that they dwarf our Sun. Alnilam is 27,000,000 miles in
diameter, capable of holding our Sun 30,500 times and the Earth almost 39.7 billion times. Menkar, a red giant, is
48,000,000 miles in diameter, more than 170,000 times the volume of our Sun and
221 billion times the volume of the
Earth. Betelgeuse, a dying supergiant, is 433,000,000 miles in diameter, some
125 million times the volume of our Sun and more than 1.6 trillion times the volume of the Earth. And VY Canis Majoris, the
largest star in the Milky Way, has a diameter that on the low end is estimated at 1,600,000,000 miles, making it more than
6.3 billion times more voluminous than the Sun and 8.3 quadrillion (8.3 x 1015) times the volume of the Earth.
Astronomical distances and dimensions are so gigantic
that they are usually measured in light years (or parsecs, which are about 3.26
light years). A light year is the distance light, the fastest known thing,
travels in a vacuum in one Earth year—a distance of 5,878,499,810,000 miles.
The Milky Way Galaxy, in which our Sun is so ordinary, measures anywhere from
100,000 to 120,000 light years in diameter. Therefore, the Milky Way is (to be
on the low end of the estimate) 100,000 x 5.878499 trillion miles across—about
588 quadrillion miles. This is more than 74 trillion (7.4 x 1013)
times the diameter of the Earth. The galaxy contains anywhere from 100 billion
to 400 billion stars, depending on the number of dwarf stars that may exist.
(Incidentally, astronomers locate our solar system in a partial spiral arm of
the Milky Way Galaxy known as the Orion Spur. We are 26,000-30,000 light years
from the galaxy’s center). On such a scale, our planet’s size is already negligible.
But the picture gets worse.
It was not understood until the 1920s, through the
brilliant work of Edwin Hubble, that the Milky Way Galaxy was far from being
the only one in existence. Since Hubble’s time, we have vastly improved our
observational tools, including the orbiting of space telescopes (the first one
named in Hubble’s honor, fittingly enough). And the story they tell humbles us
even more. There are whole clusters and walls of galaxies, all held together by
gravity. NASA recently estimated that there were 125 billion galaxies, and
emphasized that infrared cameras, radio telescopes, and x-ray cameras might
greatly increase the estimate. Most estimates run from 100 billion to 200
billion total galaxies
The distances between us and the closest full-fledged
galaxies are staggering. One of the nearest galaxies, the Sagittarius
Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, is 75,000 light years away. This means a beam of
light that started traveling from our galaxy at a speed of over 670,000,000 miles
per hour 75,000 years ago, before any humans were in the Americas, is just
arriving at Sagittarius now. The
Small Magellanic Cloud, another “close” neighbor, is 210,000 light-years away.
A beam of light that started from our galaxy to the SMC at about the time that
modern Homo sapiens were first
evolving is just arriving there now.
And the nearest spiral galaxy to us, Andromeda, is so far away that a beam of
light that left our galaxy when humans were no more than a handful of Homo habilis types living in eastern
Africa 2,000,000 years ago, is just arriving there now.
Other galaxies are not just tremendously distant. Some
of the galaxies in our Universe are mind-bogglingly huge as well. In
1990, Science News announced the
By carefully recording the faint light
surrounding a bright galaxy at the center of a dense cluster, a team of
astronomers has uncovered evidence for perhaps the largest and most luminous
galaxy known. This gigantic agglomeration of stars, which sits at the center of
a rich galaxy cluster called Abell 2029, extends 6 million light-years in
diameter (more than 60 times the width of the Milky Way) and emits more than a
quarter of all the light produced by the entire cluster.
Such an object has a diameter 4.7 billion times the diameter
of our Solar System’s planetary orbits. This would be as if our solar system
were eight one-hundredths of an inch across and the giant galaxy in question
were roughly the diameter of North America from the Arctic Circle to Colombia.
By my calculations, this enormous galaxy in Abell 2029, if seen as a circle,
would be more than 22 quintillion (2.2 x 1019) times the area of a circle represented by our
solar system.
And when the Earth is finally compared to the entire
physical Universe, the human species all but vanishes completely. The Earth’s polar
diameter of about 7,900 miles must be compared to the estimated 156 billion
light years diameter of the Universe. (We should recall that space can expand
faster than the speed of light.) The number of miles represented by a light
year, multiplied by 156,000,000,000 yields a staggering result: the
estimated Universe is, compared to the Earth’s diameter of 7,900 miles, more
than 116 quintillion, or to be precise, 116,081,768,400,000,000,000 (1.16081768400000000000
x 1020) times larger in diameter.
Atoms range in size from 1 x 10-10 to 5 x 10-10
of a meter in diameter. The Earth
is 1.2713 x 107 meters in diameter at the poles. Therefore, the
Earth is about 127.13 quadrillion times (1.2713 x 1017) the diameter
of the smallest atom. In other words, the Earth is smaller in relationship to
the Universe than the smallest atom is in relation to the Earth by a factor of
about 1,000.
The creation myth believed until recently by most
humans in the Western world seemed to posit a Universe no more than a few
thousand years old. Interpreters of the Book of Genesis, for example, have
often come up with a figure of 6,000 years for the age of the cosmos, with
humans appearing within the first week of the Universe’s existence. Christian,
Jewish, and Muslim fundamentalists generally agree with this assessment.
In The Kojiki, which includes the Japanese creation story, the age of the
Universe is said to be at least “millions and millions” of years, although the
ancient Japanese had nothing but supposition on which to rest this estimate. In
Chinese mythology, one source puts the age of the Universe at 18,000 years.
Hindu cosmologists speak in terms of enormous time periods. One Hindu belief
asserts that the Universe is more than 314 trillion years old, for example. But
all of the enormous time periods postulated in Hinduism are specifically linked
to the age of the various manifestations of God, and in all Hindu hypotheses
about the creation of the Universe, humans are present right from the start. We
must assume, additionally, that the Hindu estimates, like those of the
Japanese, are based on supposition and imagination, and not on any
empirically-based observations.
All cultures have creation myths,
but they seem to share one common theme: humans are of greater or lesser
importance in them, but one of the central purposes of the act of creation by God
or the gods or the infinite, if not the
central purpose, is the creation of humans, and humans appear either
immediately at the beginning of the Universe or not terribly long after it
comes into being. All creation myths
share another commonality, as well: they have all been shredded to pieces and
superseded by the discoveries of modern science.
Recent findings from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy
Probe (WMAP) space project indicate a universe 13,800,000,000 years old. The
earliest member of the genus Homo, Homo habilis, is
thought to have emerged no earlier than 2,500,000 years ago. Even with the
discovery of a find called Toumaï' (not a member of Homo) in
Chad, we can say that the hominid line emerged no earlier than 7,000,000 years
ago. Therefore, the genus Homo has
occupied approximately less than two one-hundredths of one per cent of the
total existence of the Universe (more precisely about .01825% of the Universe’s
age). To use a slight variation on how Carl Sagan once put it, if the
entire age of the Universe could be reduced to one year, the genus Homo did not emerge until around 10:30
pm on 31 December. (See the section of this work entitled, The Emergence of Human Consciousness: A Chronology.) In this scale,
the oldest member of sapiens, perhaps
200,000 years old, emerged at about 11:52 pm on that fateful last day. The
earliest agriculture in the Fertile Crescent, about 11,000 years before the
present, began about 25 seconds ago, the earliest written records, about 5,000
years old, emerged about 11 seconds ago, and all of human history since the
year 1500 has, in this Universe shrunken temporally to one year, taken place
over the last 1.15 seconds. The life span of a centenarian on this scale is
reduced, therefore, to about one-fifth of a second. The life span of a person
of typical life expectancy in the advanced countries would be about one-seventh
of a second.
Some people might prefer to think of these issues by
picturing an enormous timeline. So let’s consider this. Let’s say you have a
timeline that stretches out 1,000,000 meters in length—1000 kilometers, or
about 621.3 miles. Each year since the
Big Bang would be about 0.07299 millimeters on such a scale. On this scale, we
would have to travel 664,293 meters—almost two-thirds of the total length of
the line—to reach the beginning of the Earth. We would have to travel almost
999,818 meters on that timeline to reach the first member of the genus Homo. We would have to travel 999,985
meters to reach the first sapiens,
999,999.2 meters to reach the earliest civilization, and 999,999.6 meters
to reach the earliest writing. The last 500 years of human history would take
up about the last 36.495 millimeters of the timeline, more than 999,999.96
meters from the start, the lifetime of a centenarian would be 7.299 millimeters
from the end of our one million meter line, and the lifespan of a typical human
in the advanced nations (about 75 years) would take us less than 5.5
millimeters from the end of a line 1,000,000 meters in length.
We are an amazingly recent occurrence in this iteration
of the Universe. Even in comparison to the Earth, a mere 4.6 billion years in
age, we are insignificant. Imagine if the Earth were a sentient, conscious
being. Further imagine that it had the powers of observation and evaluation.
Can you imagine how fleeting the life of a seventy year old person would be to
such a being, a being almost 66,000,000 times older? It would be as if our 70 year-old
simply appeared out of nowhere and disappeared almost instantaneously. The
rhythms of the Earth are unimaginably slow in comparison to the frantic pace of
our lives. The Earth’s memory would include geologic eras measured in tens or
hundreds of millions of years. It would contain the earliest glimmerings of
life, the upheavals and splitting apart of whole continents, the births, lives,
and deaths of countless entire species. The recession of the last ice age, some
14,000 years ago, would be a recent memory, comparatively speaking, to such a
being. It would be the equivalent of a memory our 70 year-old would have of
something that happened 45 minutes ago!
We are newborns; we are very, very young children of
space-time and energy-matter. We were not created at the start; we were not
created near the start; we weren’t even created near the middle. We are the
latecomers. It took eons of time to produce us, and our reign on this tiny
world has been vanishingly brief. We have only just begun our journey, and
there is no guarantee that it will last much longer than it already has.
So what does this all mean? It means that all
human-centered views of the Universe are nonsense, utterly indefensible on
every level. It means that our myths were simply quaint efforts to explain
reality, based on the superstitions and limited observations of the ancient
world. These myths perhaps possess some literary or historical value, but they
possess no scientific value whatsoever. Our utter physical and temporal
insignificance call into question all anthropocentric views of the Universe’s
origin and various physical features. To contend that the Universe was created
for the benefit of a set of beings who occupy a world as ludicrously small as
ours, is to stretch credulity to the breaking point. We thought we were the
center of creation. We’re not. We thought the object of the Universe’s
existence was to produce us. In all probability, it wasn't. Perhaps, in an
unspoken way, we thought if our world disappeared it would matter to the
Universe, or at least be noticed. It wouldn't. Most humans, even though they know that the
Earth is very small and that humanity is very young, still tend to embrace some
variation of the view that everything was made for us. It is time, in my humble
opinion, for us to disabuse ourselves of this notion. The individual human life
is virtually nothing in the scale and age of the Universe in which it evolved.
This is a hard truth from which we can no longer turn, and it carries
implications that must be confronted if any kind of human dignity and worth are
to be salvaged from the wreckage of our broken dreams and shattered
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